sudo su - yum install git you can skip the below because node is installed in sfdx package curl -o- | bash . ~/.nvm/ nvm install node node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)" Please don't run npm install --global sfdx-cli in AWS Ec2 machine, when you run this command, the ec2-machines hangs and won't respond. reboot the ec2 instance and run the below commands to install sfdx manually. wget mkdir /opt/sfdx tar xJf sfdx-linux-x64.tar.xz -C /opt/sfdx --strip-components 1 export PATH=/opt/sfdx/bin:$PATH if you have to edit the PATH, then use set PATH="path" Go jenkins plugins and install custom tool plugin Go to global tool configuration Under Custom tool Name: toolbelt exported path: /usr/bin/sfdx/bin Installation directory /usr/bin/sfdx/bin/sfdx The right way of insta...